Hi Stanley I guess it is in my paper work some where but this is my second season with my new 722 motor and as it was placed in a yacht I do not get a lot of use but it is there when a need it and that's what it is all about. Last year 10 hours running- I filled the tank at the end of the season over the winter lay up. Now about to drop the boat in again. Do I replace the motor fillter. I have one simple funneltype in the fuel run then a seprator type with glass inspection type and then the motor filter. What should I do after ten hours running and a new season.
It is alway better to start the new season with new filters. That is not to say that your original ones are blocked or bad, it is merely easier to change them now when you have time and control of the situation, than to take the chance of some foreign bodies clogging the filter during the season. Servicing the filters allows you to inspect the fuel system.