The Beta 75 calls for a Wix 33390 / 33393 fuel filter at the engine. In researching this filter, I see it listed at 10 microns. Is this correct or should a filter in the 2-3 micron range be used at the engine. This is assuming a primary filter of 10 microns has been installed prior to the filter on the engine.
Is there any problem with using a 2 micron filter at the engine? As I'll have a 10 micron Racor 500 as my primary, it seems that I can get additional filtration by using a 2 micron at the engine itself, unless there is some reason that the 2 would be too restrictive. Your thoughts?
We will bow to the manufacturers specifications on this matter. There are a tremendous number of Beta engines in service with many hours of operation that have followed these manufacturers specifications.
If you have a quality 10 micron water seperator filter as a primary and keep both filters serviced, then you have a very good and dependable filter system that meets the manufacturers specifications.