Hi Stanley, Would a 14hp Beta be a straight crossover from my 2gm20 in my CAl 29? Where would I get one in California-San Diego? Approx purchase and install?
The Beta 14 is a great fit in the Cal 2-29 and is available on the same mount centers as the Yanmar so this should be an easy repower. I repowered one myself in 1999 and we were all surprised at how well the boat went. When you opened the throttle the boat almost immediately tried to climb out of the water. This engine replaced a Farymann. You should get much better performance that you did with the Yanmar because, with the correct transmission ratio (2:1) you can prop the boat correctly. I have run a prop calc for you and you will want a 12"x8" three blade RH propeller
Contact Phil Jones in San Diego on (619) 226-2064. He will be able to fill you in with pricing and labor costs etc.
I think that the 14 is all that you need. The Cal 2-29 is a fairly light boat with a very easily driven hull. Any more HP will be a waste of your money as the boat wont go any faster.
I would use the Beta 14 and the money saved will pay for the correct 3 blade propeller.